A strong Alberta recovery is one with a plan to support the essential services we rely on every day while making sure that no one is left behind.
The more people – like you – who join the campaign, the louder our voice gets in support of Alberta’s nonprofit sector. Share this campaign with your community – your neighbours, family, friends, and colleagues – to show you’re invested in Alberta’s recovery. One where the nonprofit sector has a seat at the table as supported partners in the government’s plan.
Thank you again for your support of Alberta’s nonprofits, and our communities. We know that recovery begins at home, with each of us, and when we join our voices together, we can ensure our communities can continue toward a full recovery, remaining a strong and vibrant part of our future.
Community Recovery Now is a nonpartisan effort led by the Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations. The campaign and materials are not intended to endorse or oppose candidates or political parties.