Election season is upon us! Let’s use our collective voice to make nonprofit sector issues election issues.
With a Provincial Election on the horizon, we call on Alberta’s parties to include the 1 out of every 20 Albertans working in the sector in their platforms – and the 4.4 million Albertans who benefit from it.
The five priorities laid out by TheNonprofitvote partners include: Appropriate Funding, A Workforce Strategy, Better Data Collection, A Door to Government, and An Empowered Sector. You can read more about these priorities here.
Join us in calling on your party leaders to incorporate our priorities in their platform priorities!
Nonprofits employ nearly 300,000 Albertans and together contribute $5.5 billion to the economy every year. They provide food and basic needs, settlement and senior supports, sports and recreation, arts and culture, entrepreneurship, environmental health – and more. They are proven, established partners in the delivery of essential services.
Between historic underfunding, a global pandemic, inflation and surging demand amid a workforce crisis, the nonprofit sector is in crisis.
Our sector – its employees, volunteers and beneficiaries – has a responsibility to speak up about the issues that matter to us. If we stay silent, we let other sectors drive the agenda and we may not see meaningful commitments on issues that matter to us.
The Nonprofit Vote partners have developed a series of priorities, rooted in feedback and data from the sector, to forge a collaboration with the Government of Alberta and ensure the vitality of this essential sector.
If you agree that Alberta’s nonprofit sector is too essential to fail, join us in calling on your party leaders to incorporate in their platform priorities.
Happy Election Season! #nonprofitsvote
Too Essential to Fail is a nonpartisan effort led by Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations (CCVO), Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organizations (ECVO), FUSE Social, Volunteer Lethbridge, and the Rozsa Foundation. The campaign and materials are not intended to endorse or oppose candidates or political parties. Upon filling in the letter form, you will be added to The Nonprofit Vote's email list to receive important communications as we grow our movement across Alberta. You can unsubscribe at any time from the link included in every message. We will also send a message to the leaders of Alberta's provincial parties. You can use the message provided, or you can customize it as you see fit.